The computer bus shortly after the refit in April 2000 taken at Ballasalla School. Note that the vehicle still features the original ICT equipment at this time including the Apple Studio DIsplays. (These later saw further service at St.Ninian’s.)

©2019 Isle of Man Department of Education Sport and Culture All Rights Reserved


Improvement to heating system by extension of heater output pipe to new vent fitted to saloon ceil- ing panel.

Contractor: Ian Simms Electrical
Estimated cost <£200

Cove panels

To be lined with wall cord in colour to be decided.

Estimated price <£70.00


Covering nicotine stained ceiling panels with Vymura or similar wall covering, style/colour to be decided. Existing stainless steel trim to be retained. Remaining exposed paintwork to be painted as necessary.

Estimated price <£200


Replacement of existing floor covering with new, colour-coordinated to overall scheme.

Thought given to entrance platform arrangements.

Estimated price £200

Wall boards

Relining of existing wall boards in colour to be decided.

Estimated price £50









Fitting of 9 ‘eyeball’ halogen lights above computers to improve lighting.
3 x transformers £25.53

9 x 25w lamps £38.16
9 x eyeballs £45.00
Total: £108.69
less 20% = £86.95 +VAT

Supplier:Lights of Mann Estimated fitting cost <£200

Contractor Electra-Freeze


Re-surfacing of desktops, edges, cupboard doors and partitions (including glazed frame partition to right hand of entrance door in a plastic Decamel laminate finish.

Estimated cost £978

Contractor DC Felstead Lhen Furniture Workshop

LEFT: Computer Bus interior circa June 1999 showing the original un-laminated workbenches, original PSV ceiling with lighting, and short-lived nylon carpet tiles.

ABOVE: Computer Bus interior circa 2008 with lined and repainted ceiling, replacement carpet, lined woodwork and improved lighting.

Computer Bus to get internal makeover...

Its a "changing room" as Manx Telecom sponsor internal refit of the Department's internationally acclaimed computer bus...

Our 'Photoshop' images (ABOVE) show how the new interior of the Computer Bus might look, following the refit - scheduled for the Easter holidays.

As well as the installation of 12 new 'eyeball' Halogen lights, the refit will include a new colour scheme for the bus - based on the interior of Manx Telecom's up-to-the-minute Phone Shop in Victoria Street, Douglas.

Plastic laminates will be fitted to the plywood cupboards and worktops, making the bus interior practical as well as attractive.

The 'nicotine -coloured' Leyland bus interior roof panels will be covered with a colour-coded vinyl covering, and the well-used blue carpet will be refitted after nearly two-years' intensive use inside the bus.

Work to improve the Eberspacher heating system has already been completed, work carried out by Ian Sims Electrical, Douglas. This was done early to try and keep the youngsters as warm on the bus as they would be in their school during the forthcoming cold weather in February and March...

It is hoped that the refitted bus will be able to be relaunched and displayed to the public this summer, including an appearance at the Telecommunications Show at the Stakis Hotel Douglas, scheduled for May 18 - 20 2000.

First school set to benefit from the newly refitted interior will be Bride Infants - with a visit there on Tuesday May 2nd, followed by Anagh Coar and Ballasalla schools later that week.

ABOVE: Showing the blue vinyl ceiling covering and eyeball halogen lamps.

ABOVE: Showing the blue vinyl ceiling covering , alarm break glass and smoke detectors.

ABOVE: Showing black Decamel laminate and infra-red burglar alarm sensor.