THE bus has prompted a great deal of media interest off the Island.
The bus has featured in a full page spread in the Daily Express, a double page colour feature in the Times Educational Supplement, and has most recently been featured in the July edition of MacFormat magazine, Britain’s best-selling Mac magazine. On-line coverage on the web has also been significant and generated many enquiries by email from all over the world.
Page 75 of the Daily Express for Saturday November 7th 1998 included a huge feature by reporter Hala Khalil, as part of the Express Home Computer guide, edited by Roy Farndon.
Under the headline ‘All aboard for lessons’, the report includes quotes from students at St.Johns school, where the computer bus visited Monday-Tuesday November 2nd 3rd.
The Computer Bus also has a bumper two-page spread in the current issue of ONLINE, in the Times Educational Supplement Online section for April 16th 1999.
The article “Life in the bus lane”, was written by reporter Chris Johnston, with pictures by Chris Thomond (below). The pictures taken earlier this month, feature children from Anagh Coar School, Douglas.
As well as the Computer Bus, the article gives a comprehensive roundup of ICT on the Isle of Man, and pays tribute to the many people who contribute to its success.
“They’re not slow coaches on the Isle of Man when it comes to using computers”, says Chris. There is also a feature on the Manx Multimedia Centre, based at QEII High School in Peel.