MANX Telecomputer Bus has enjoyed some pretty high profile media coverage locally.
Manx Radio have broadcast regular features about the bus, from launch day right through to a series of broadcasts by Anne Dawson covering the expedition to Earls Court in July.
Local press coverage has been dominated by colour features in both the Manx Independent and notably School Skeet.
The latter devoted its front and back pages to the Bus last year, and followed this up by a double page feature in its most recent edition July 1999.
Yet more coverage for the Manx Telecomputer Bus in the press, this time a double page colour feature in the Island’s Manx Independent dated Friday March 5th 1999. The story, by Jenny Leverton, featured the visit to Scoill Vallajeelt, and is headed ‘Mr T and his e-snail Bus’... The headline is a reference to the fact that ‘Mr T’ takes his classroom about with him, as a snail carries its shell around - and not to the at times slow progress of the elderly Leyland up Manx hills...
Other articles have appeared throughout the year, covering such things as the “Cool School” website nomination by the TES, and a front page article on the Examiner about the “CodeName SCOOP!” trials, plus coverage of the Earls Court adventure.
A full-page advertisement welcoming the bus back to the Island, and featuring yet more shots of the London trip, appeared in the Courier for July 22nd.