INTEGRAL to the development of the Computer Bus has been the development of the website.
The web site contains almost 100 pages of information, from the very beginnings of the computer bus idea, to its recent successful trip to London.
Each primary school on the Island has a page, which aims to include details and pictures of the most recent visit the bus has made.
The welcome page includes an e-mail contact link, and this has produced a constant series of enquiries from all over the world, including most recently a request for help from Tasmania in connection with their proposed “Computer Commuter”!
In April, the visit to the Wildlife Park allowed children from Anagh Coar and Arbory School to prepare their own pages for the website, in connection with the annual Otter Trophy award.
Recently, the website was honoured by the Times Educational Supplement, being chosen as one of
only five so-called “Cool School Websites” from many thousands around the country.
With the establishment of ISDN connections to all of the Island’s schools, and the desire to develop on-line skills, it is hoped that more and more children will get the chance to submit their work directly to the computer bus website.