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LEFT: Two pictures more than 20-years apart showing the computer bus outside Foxdale School - January 1999 and October 2019
Foxdale School
A view of the computer bus outside Foxdale School back in January 1999
©2008 Isle of Man Department of Education All Rights Reserved
ABOVE: One of the tasks undertaken by the Year 3s was the creation of a classroom plan - using ClarisWorks (DRAW). This allowed the practice of may techniques including ‘Duplicate’, ‘Group’ and more.
An additional task was to ‘modify’ the plan to include circular tables and - 7 more computers !
ABOVE: Two Foxdale classes from January 1999. Note the iMac in the picture. The machine had only been announced a few months before, and this one was on test in the bus. It was to be the first of thousands purchased for schools in the Island over the years and paved the way for subsequent LCD all-in-one iMacs for the next 20-years or more.
BELOW: A a surviving graphic from the original computer bus website from 1999.